Next available slots for brand & web design: August '24

what makes
your brand unique is



I will help you stand out & attract your ideal customers through authentic personal branding and a professional website you are proud to share

Personal Branding

personal branding

is more than
a name and a logo

Whether you’re a therapist, a coach, a photographer or a teacher – chances are there are others out there offering services similar to yours. And that’s a good thing. People are familiar with the goods or services you offer and know their value.

What’s important now, is to show your ideal customer what makes your personal brand different from others. And that is you. Your ideas, your values, your story, your personality. No one can do the things you do in the same way you do them.

I want to make sure your branding is authentic to you and your vision, so you are always comfortable showing up as yourself.

I’m happy to help you build a visual brand identity based on your values and ambitions, that communicates effectively with your chosen audience.

I want you to feel at ease with your brand!

find out who you are and
do it on purpose

dolly parton

I strongly believe that

there is a market for everyone.
attract your dream clients by showing up as
your authentic self.


I'm happy to help you with the
visuals of your branding

brand design

Your visual branding needs to be distinct and consistent throughout – on your website, in your printed materials, as well as in your social media presence.

web design

Your website is your ‘virtual business card’, that represents your business worldwide. Let’s give your visitors an authentic experience of your brand.

your logo

Your logo is often the first touchpoint with your brand. It doesn’t need to have a deep or hidden meaning – but it needs to be unique & distinct, and fit you & your brand.

your brand

Packaging, business cards, ads, flyers, social media – wherever your business communicates with your potential clients, your brand should be clearly visible and recognizable.

your website

This is where you shine light on your business. No need to overwhelm the visitor with loads of data – your website should present your goods and services in a clean, authentic, and user-friendly way.


snippets of my recent work

ready to do this?

I'd love to learn about your values, your wishes and your vision, before I set on creating your brand's visual identity along with a bespoke website for your personal business.

What my lovely clients say

Natalie has been wonderful to work with. I was looking for support for my website and received more than I could have ever wished for. Natalie did a great job in understanding my ambition and personality, and translated this quickly into tangible results. She can draw from great experience and always advised me with great intention. At the same time, she made sure to focus on my wishes. Natalie has always been responsive and helped me throughout an important stage for my business. I can’t thank you enough, dear Natalie!
service provided

logo, branding, photography, web design

Vielen Dank für die unkomplizierte Zusammenarbeit. Du bist wirklich sehr zuverlässig und professionell. Deine Ideen und Tipps haben mir sehr geholfen. Mit dem Ergebnis bin ich super zufrieden und ich würde jederzeit wieder mit Dir zusammenarbeiten.
service provided

logo design

Being ‘camera-shy’ ist one of the main reasons why I procrastinated building my website for several years. When I met Natalie, I finally found the courage to start. She gently guided me through a photo shoot and made me feel comfortable being photographed.
Only a few days after we talked about my vision, where I’d like this business to go and the message I wanted to get out there, Natalie came up with a logo idea that absolutely fascinated me. I wasn’t even able to describe what I wanted it to look like but the design reflected exactly what I had in mind.
Natalie has a fantastic eye for details, gives guidance and has this magical ability to read between the lines to be able to deliver what you didn’t even know you wanted. She translates words into visuals and I am grateful she keeps guiding me on this path.
service provided

logo, branding, photography, web design

that's me



My curiosity has taken me on countless adventures around the globe. I lived in different countries, studied many interesting things, and tried on various hats & titles before finding what brings me the most joy — empowering people (especially women), encouraging them to pursue their ambitions, and helping them into visibility.

It began with photography. We live in the age of selfies, yet so many women are camera-shy and dislike themselves in pictures (myself included). I enjoy making them (and the world) see what I see in them — strong, willful, and utterly unique.

Believing in women and their visions comes easily and naturally to me. I genuinely want you to succeed and I care deeply. That’s why I dedicate all my knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm to this pursuit.

In case you were wondering

I did study graphic design

I'm passionate about


I enjoy visualizing ideas and telling compelling stories through design


peeking behind the facade & taking expressive portrait shots with meaning & depth


I am curious about people and fascinated with their unique stories

not sure if this is the right step for you?

If you're just starting out and resources are tight, I'd recommend you hold off on visual branding and focus on nailing down your brand's voice, purpose & values,
and defining your niche first.

I’m here for you when you’re ready!

say hello

I’d love
to hear from you

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